Selfmade Spell Book

🪩 Workshop: For those who live in Saigon, Từ Từ is throwing a w̶o̶r̶k̶s̶h̶o̶p̶ party this Sunday to celebrate 2024 Moon Festival. The theme is a witchy hangout to create a spell book that liberates our inner child. There will be a series of empathy exercises inspired by Lynda Barry.

- Duration: 2 hours

- Elements to make a spell:
* Empathy exercises with strangers
* Discarding away something, many things
* Purification ritual
* Voicing (Chant)
* Creativity Purge
* Materialization
* Intentions

- Product to bring home: A physical spell book that you co-create with fellow witches to actualize the intention that you came into the Moon Festival with. But most of all, new wholesome friendships and a more liberated inner child.

- Gift from Từ Từ: You will receive (1) many hugs, (2) a sticker package to mark the spell book, (3) materials to make a spell book, (4) a mystery present that captures the witch evening.

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